Search Case Studies by Pallab

Sunday, 22 June 2014

Why a responsive one page UI website and a custom hashtag? #plbkkt

Grab a One Page UI Optimized for Social Signals via Hashtag Signatures

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Why have a One Page UI and Hashtag Signatures?

campaign storyline curator
Campaign Storyline Curator
Most of us if not all have a website and few who do not have a website will sure have Google or Yahoo email account and thus access to a unique profile on the web. Bottom line is that this is where you want all your social conversations to meet, communicate, express & elevate. Elevation has many forms. Expressions of state of mind & taglines like "being yourself" suffices elevation to few while others are quenched with far more objective driven exercises in the form of page visits, page views, click through, lead generation, social selling and conversion analysis.  

One Page UI is a form of elevation for websites, start-ups and brands. Engagement and click through elevations are the two primary forte for one page responsive UI designs. Sequencing the details of the website offerings in the form of products, services, media files, articles & links are curtailed with appealing visual interactive form of display that encourages user intent & incite interest for engagements. 

The visual sequences of website sections in one page optimized with ready to share social buttons where custom hashtag signatures ensures the grouping of all social interactions in the form of likes, shares, +1s, tweets, pins, comments & updates. Creating an easy to pick custom hashtag signature requires very little yet gives a whole lot more. These social mentions are branded with custom elements related to businesses & websites with the objective of creating a brand recall value apart from grouping a search engine friendly index able feed of landing pages, videos, blog, links & websites.  

What hashtag are you? Four simple questions and you know yours!
What hashtag are you? Four simple questions and you know the answer!
What hashtag are you? Four simple questions and you know the answer!
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We think that there are four options (including the four we could think of & you can always excel) with hashtag signatures that relates to how you write your signatures. Initials, all letters or shorter combinations of letters that forms your name!

Your name in short

Say your name is John Doe. Your hashtag signature in short can ideally be #jhnD, #jhndoe, #jonDoe or simply #johnDoe.

Your name in short exclusively yours

Before choosing to use your hashtag signature just make sure you search the term, name, topic primarily on G+, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest, Facebook to monitor & own the hashtag mentions exclusively.

Your name in full

Bold move. You choose to be distinctive. Just hashtag your full name. For ex if your name is John Doe, your hashtag signature is #JohnDoe

What Greek are we talking?

You need to hashtag #plbkkt on G+, FB & Twitter to start with what hashtag signature is all about. Only then you can decipher the Greek that we are talking.

To click links for hashtag #plbkkt on various social media network that support hashtags refer to the menu on the top of this page or on the links here below:

Twitter #plbkkt // FB #plbkkt // Google+ #plbkkt // Pinterest #plbkkt // Tumblr #plbkkt

What happens with all the hashtags?

The possibilities of prefixing the "#" sign on keywords, topics or just letters, numbers & underscores to group social conversations and maximize reach of social updates including comments, tweets, shares, likes & +1s across Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Tumblr, Flickr, LinkedIn via Twitter and Pinterest via Facebook & Twitter.

How do you write your signature?

Use letters that you use on your signature as your hashtag signature. The key to owning an exclusively hashtag is using a combination of letters, numbers & underscores.

Brands are using Hashtag Mentions! Are You?

Visual is the way, why not native visuals for texts via hashtags!

Content marketing is definitely the key to all winnings in the web be it any form where hashtags are the native feed. +blogs4bytes 

Hashtags are the native ad formats for texts in social conversations across networks that supports it to relay authoritative time stamps of updates, tweets, pins, shares, +1 and likes. The quality code of unobtrusive in nature with the advertising feed display is  balanced with hashtag mentions within the body of social update forms where hashtags extends reach, relay authoritative social signals and group the string of information published across the social media network.  

We conclude this post on using hashtags with a really smart quiz on inbound marketing from KISSmetrics.

#plbkkt // Follow the conversation

Title: What hashtag are you? Four simple questions and you know the answer!
Author: | Author Bio
Category: hashtag marketing

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