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Thursday 2 January 2014

Know how to write remarkable unconditional recommendation?

Learn how to write LinkedIn Recommendation in Under 5 Minutes?

5 Steps to writing LinkedIn Recommendation
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Next time if you are pressed for time while writing a recommendation for your colleagues, bosses & others, follow this template that suggests 5 simple steps, complete with sample lines to cut & paste. Just follow the steps suggested and do try to use the examples offered to a gain a better perspective on how to go about writing a perfect Recommendations in LinkedIn.

Kick Start with a Knock Out Line
Grab attention with an opening liner that makes the audience read more as is the case with any good writing. Preferably the initial liner should recommend right away what an amazing person your contact is.

  • "It’s rare that you come across notable talent like "Contact's Name"
  • "There are very few people who get the opportunity to report to a manager who is also a coach and mentor — but I did when I worked for "Contact's Name"
  • "‘Ridiculously efficient’ is the expression that comes to mind when I think about "Contact's Name"

Be Descriptive about Your Relationship
Follow this template, complete with sample lines to write LinkedIn Recommendation
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Next in line while writing a great recommendation is to give readers the perspective of how you got acquainted with the contact, what you have worked on collectively and the time you've know each other. It's very important for the readers to know how you're qualified to give the recommendation as LinkedIn will show the company and both of your job titles on your recommendation.

  • "I had the opportunity of working with "Contact's Name" for two years at the (Company Name) and collaborating on quite a few project teams.”
  • "I hired "Contact's Name" as a freelance designer in 2011 after seeing her online portfolio, and she’s completed six perfect projects for me since then.”
  • ""Contact's Name" skilfully filled the role of social media manager for my company’s marketing team for just over a year.”

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Ensure you Share Stand Out Characteristics
It is highly obvious that the person you are recommending is smart, talented & organized to work with. Instead chose one or two things that actually stand out to you above others who you know and focus your recommendation on those lines. You can even ask your contact if there's something specific that he or she would like you to talk about.

  • "I was particularly impressed by "Contact's Name"’s aptitude to handle even the toughest clients — and naturally. That proficiency often takes years to develop among customer service professionals, but it seemed to come perfectly naturally to her.”
  • "I was always in awe of "Contact's Name"’s capability to command any sessions and get people on board with ideas including people who were initially on totally different pages.”
  • ""Contact's Name"’s ability to organize multiple projects was unlike any I’ve seen before and completed a remarkable difference in the efficiency level of our team.”

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Add a Touch of Personality
Share some insight about your contact’s personality and how exceptional an experience it was to work with him or her so that potential employers in the future find these information very important while short listing the contact’s candidature.

  • "Oh, and she made certain that our Monday morning staff meetings were never without bagels and coffee. Talk about motivating a team!”
  • "And we still miss her on the office softball league!”
  • "No matter how tense a meeting, "Contact's Name" ensured that everyone left with a smile.”

Ensure you End with a Solid Recommendation
And lastly, sum up your recommendation with a concluding line to make it apparent that you give your contact enthusiastic thumbs- up. Also, keep it short, simple & sweet here.
  • ""Contact's Name" would be an advantage to any team.”
  • "As a team member or a leader, "Contact's Name" earns my highest recommendation.”
  • "Any employee would be lucky to have "Contact's Name" as a manager.”
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Try it!
Here is a quick example of how to put all the 5 suggestions together in a template form so that you can deliver a great recommendation even if you are pressed for time!

[Descriptive phrase] is the expression that comes to mind when I ponder about [name]. I’ve had the contentment of knowing [name] for [length of time], throughout which [description of your working relationship]. 

Above all, I was amazed with [name]’s capability & skilfulness to [description of what makes person really stand out]. And, of course, his/her [personality trait]. [Name] would be a true advantage for any positions requiring [1-2 skills needed for position] and comes with my sincere recommendation.

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Title: 5 Steps to Writing a LinkedIn Recommendation
By: |
Category: Professional Networking

The following post has been extracted & rephrased suitably from and was originally posted by Adrian Granzella Larssen on December 25 2013 for TheDaily Muse.

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